Monday, August 24, 2009

What is Linux and why should I use it?

Linux is an Operating system for computers. Just as Microsft Windows is. There are many differences in it but we are going to keep this on a beginner level.

Linux the quick history:
Linux is an offshoot of the Unix operating system developed mainly by Linus Torvalds back in 1991. Unix was an operating system that you had to pay for much like Windows. Linus developed Linux and gives it FREE the community. Not only is it free as in you don't pay for it. It is Free in the computer world meaning you can get the source code for it or "open source". This means if you are a programer you can download the source and create your own version of Linux. Windows is considered a closed source operating system. This means you cannot access the source code.

Why is Open Source good?
Open source programs are good for a couple reasons. The main one is that the code is able to be viewed by anyone. That in turn means you have thousands of developers looking for "Bugs" in the software instead of just 1 team of people. This does not mean that bugs are never there. Although when found they are correct very quickly.

My History:
I have been a systems administrator for many years. I have worked on Windows servers and Unix servers. Back in 1998 or so I started playing with the idea of running Linux as a home operating system. Linux has always been known as a "geek" freindly operating system. Meaning the normal user (my mom) would not be able to use it. Over the years I would try more and more versions or flavors of Linux. About 3 years ago I came across a version called Ubuntu. Pronounced ooboontoo but everyone seems to have their own pronunciation of it. Ubuntu was the first Linux version I found to be out of the box usable. You can download the install cd (for Free) burn it to a cd and boot your computer off of it. You can even boot into a mode that allows you to try it out without installing it (although REALLY slow since it is running off cd instead of Hard Drives). I attempted once again to make the switch. At first I ran a dual boot system. That means I could boot my computer into Linux but for anything I "Needed" I had Windows as an option to boot into also.

Why Ubuntu over the others?
As I said before. Ubuntu is usable out of the box. Mark Shuttleworth (the software programer that paid the russians to put him on the International Space Station) has spent Millions of dollars developing this software and GIVING it away. Read up on him at After the 15 or so minut install that asks you only 5 questions. You have a fully usable operating system. It even has Office.. Of course it's Open Office which does allow you to open and save Microsoft .doc files. If you want to add software you click on the add remove software button and search for a program. You click on the check box and click apply. Ubuntu will download and install the application for you.

Can a normal user use it?
I did an experiment with Ubuntu about 1.5 years ago. My neighbor's parents had me fixing their computer on a normal 6 month basis. The computer was always so infested with viruses and since they did't have anything else on it. It was easier to reload than to fix it. I decided to switch them to Ubuntu. They have been running it for 1.5 years now and have never even noticed they are not on Windows. All they do is email and surf the web and play online games. They noticed it looked different but never even asked about it. My mother in law has never used a computer. I put her on Ubuntu about 6 months ago. After the first couple days of showing her how to use the internet I sent her on her way. She has never had to call me for any problems since.

Is it secure?
You could already be running Linux and not even know it. Many things run linux. Like your GPS some Cell phones and most Routers you use to connect to the internet. As far as I know there has never been a virus released for Linux. This is due to the way it is written and the fact it is open source. Don't buy into the incorrect statement that the only reason there is not a virus is because no one uses it. That is 100% not the case. As I said your router that your computer connects to the internet is probably Linux!

I am ready to switch now what?
Before you go jumping the gun here a few things to know.
Linux IS NOT WINDOWS!! I cannot say that enough. Many times I have seen people switch then switch right back saying this program won't work or that program won't work. You are CORRECT! It's not going to work. It was made for Windows not Linux. Most of the programs you use on a day to day basis have a Linux EQUIVELENT. It's not the same program but it will do the same thing. Photoshop has The Gimp, Outlook has Evolution and Office has Open Office. Yes there is a learning curve with them Open Office is VERY close to Microsoft Office 2003 though. If you are a gamer Linux is not for you. Then again if you are a gamer you probably already know this. Linux has a program called WINE that allows you to run windows programs but it does not run everything. You also have to install WINE after you install Ubuntu.

What do I recomend?
If you are the kind of person that gets on the internet and surfs the web and sends emails and things like that. Ubuntu can restore life into that aging computer. If you keep getting viruses and spyware on your computer Ubuntu can resolve that issue. I only run Ubuntu at home and in my office. Mainly since I can have the latest software and features for free but also because I spend enough time at work removing viruses from other peoples computers that I don't want to do it on mine. My wifes computer is Windows. She works from home and the software she uses is written in Microsoft .NET Hopefully soon the developers will get Mono the .NET emulator working well enough to switch. But for now. It's Windows for her.

As always you can find us at Insta-TEK 1414 Whipple Ave NW Canton Ohio 44708 or online at If you have any questions about Linux and want to stop in and talk. I am always willing to help you out. If you have a small business and want to know how I run 5 desktops, 3 servers, Cash register and accounting software for $0.00 I can show you.

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